ERT Logo Junior Development


Indemnity Form

Below is the ERT Junior Regional Teams and Inter-association Events Parental Consent Form, hereinafter referred to as the indemnity form. It covers any and all events organised by the ERT Junior Development Subcommittee.

By completing and submitting this form, you as the named Parent of the Player hereby CONSENT to your child participating as a member of an Eastern Region Tennis team, and AUTHORISE the accompanying team official to consent, where it is impractical to communicate with you, to your child receiving medical or surgical treatment as deemed necessary, and agree to meet any transport, medical or hospital expenses occurred.

Should any act of misconduct on your child's part require his or her removal from the event, you AUTHORISE the team official to arrange for his or her transport home if you are not present at the event, and AGREE TO PAY any expenses which may be incurred.

You CONSENT to photographs being taken of the Player at the event and in practice sessions and other official gatherings associated with the event, and CONSENT to those photographs and the Player's name and club details being published in any media related to Eastern Region Tennis, Tennis Victoria or Tennis Australia, including but not limited to annual reports, websites and online social media.

The confidentiality of this form will be maintained by Eastern Region Tennis.

An 11-digit number beginning with 66 that is allocated by Tennis Australia
Tick this box in place of a signature